The Late Quaternary vegetational and environmental history of western tropical Africa: the eastern Benin Basin, Lagos, Nigeria

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Peter Adegbenga Adeonipekun
Tiwalade Adeyemi Adeniyi
Jacob Mateawo
Biola Agbalaya


Paleoclimate, Paleoecology, Paleovegetation, Palynology, Sedimentology, Lagos Coastal Area, Late Quaternary


A palynological study of a 30 m borehole within the Akoka campus of the University of Lagos, Akoka, Nigeria revealed Late Quaternary paleo-vegetational, climatic and environmental changes. Sixteen samples at a regular interval of 2 m were subjected to standard palynological and sedimentological techniques. Six pollen zones representing six paleoclimatic phases within the Late Quaternary period were recognized. The age model is based on two radiocarbon dates (6 m: 5,495 } 25 14C yr and 12 m: 15,660 } 40 14C yr) and, by extrapolation, the sequence spans approximately the last 35,000 yr BP. The African maximum transgression and the African Humid Period (wet paleoclimate maximum) – the Nouaktchottian, and Pre-Nouaktchottian respectively – were recognized, while the Ogolian II (Erg II) was stratigraphically recognized and the Upper Inchirian extrapolated. Recovered diatom frustules with other proxies were employed for paleoclimatic and paleoecological deductions. Four hydrological cycles and three paleoecological settings were identified. Results from this work indicate the co-eval record of paleoclimatic events across Africa, suspected cooling during the African maximum transgression in Nigeria and the usefulness of coastal freshwater swamp sediments for paleoclimate studies.


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