Scaling of well log data for velocity models in seismics

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Maria BAŁA


well logging, logs, seismics, velocity and attenuation of elastic waves, vertical resolution, scaling of well logging and seismic results


The results from the mathematical operations of filtration and interpolation are presented for dynamic elastic parameters such as P-wave slowness and S-wave slowness, Young modulus and Poisson ratio. The parameters were obtained by interpreting acoustic full waveforms using FalaFWS application of GeoWin system and based on calculations using the Estymacja program. The subject of the analysis were the results obtained from various lithostratigraphic formations in several Polish Lowland's borehole profiles sampled from surface to a depth of more than 5 km. The goal was to scale well log data of a high vertical resolution for seismic purposes. Average values of the elastic parameters were presented for units derived out of geological interpretation. The analysis also included calculation of the Q parameter, which is a measure of energy dispertion of elastic waves in a rock formation.


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