Methodology of solar installation design for water heating system in the swimming pool in Tarnów

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solar energy, solar installations, vacuum-tube collectors, renewable energy sources


The aim of this article is to present designing methodology of solar installation for hot water, which allows us to determine the maximum benefit of a solar system. The complicated process of designing solar installation, is based mostly on the solar exposure conditions and hot water demand. Therefore, designing a particular solar system is a multi-objective task and should be performed carefully. Based on the proposed methodology, a conceptual model of the solar system for the swimming pool in Tarnów is presented. Designed solar installation was assumed to cover the demand of the object for domestic hot water consumption by 40% during the year. As a result, 270 vacuum-tube solar collectors were selected. The various stages of the design of solar installations, as well as a detailed economic analysis with the determination of the profitability of investments in two variants are discussed. In both assumed variants the payback period was quite satisfactory. Also, the sensitivity analysis was conducted and the main factors affecting the return of investment were determined.


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