Perspectives of geothermal water use in the Podhale Basin according to geothermal step distribution

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Agnieszka Operacz
Józef Chowaniec


geothermal aquifers, Podhale Basin, geothermal step, prospective areas, Poland


At present, hydro-geothermal resources in which waters in bores are the carrier of heat energy have commercial importance in Poland. Geothermal waters should feature the highest possible temperature in the outflow, low mineral content, high capacity and low deposit depth. Even though geothermal energy is included in renewable sources of energy, complete depletion of the deposit is the largest risk in extracting geothermal waters. This is why these waters should also feature deposit renewability. There are currently several geothermal provinces with beneficial geothermal conditions in Poland, with the area of the Podhale Basin in the Inner Carpathians region being regarded as the most promising. The Podhale deposit also meets all of the above listed conditions. The possibility of using hydrothermal energy in Poland is practically available throughout the country, but operational use of hot groundwater must be profitable for investors. From another point of view, the environmental impact of such investments should be minimized. This paper is concerned with the special variety of temperature of geothermal waters extracted in the area of the Podhale Basin, which is the basic aspect in using deposits of this type.


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