Toxicological assessment of pesticide contaminated soils with use of biotests

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Tomasz Baczyński
Anna Małachowska-Jutsz
Ewa Szalińska


soil toxicity, bioassays, obsolete pesticides, bioavailability


The paper presents the results of experiments on ecological toxicity assessment performed for 12 soil samples collected at 3 obsolete pesticide “tombs” in Poland, before their final disposal. Bioavailability of the main pollutants: p,p’-DDT, lindane and methoxychlor was assessed for selected samples by consecutive solid phase extraction using a Tenax TA sorbent. Several toxicity bioassays were also carried out, including: reducers (Microtox Soild Phase), producers (Phytotox) and consumers (tests of avoidance, acute toxicity and reproduction with use of the earthworm Eisenia foetida). Data from toxicity tests were discussed against the results of the chemical analysis of a wide range of pesticides determined by GC-ECD and GC-NPD. This part of the study enabled the evaluation of the applicability of the aforementioned bioassays in the assessment of pesticide soil pollution. Results of toxicity tests showed a slight to severe impairment of habitat function for all of the contaminated samples, which was only partially reflected by the analytical data. The most sensitive biotest was earthworm reproduction, followed by Phytotox and earthworm acute toxicity. Earthworm avoidance and Microtox tests were found to be of rather limited usability.


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