Feasibility analysis of using GPR method for the examination of post-glacial deposits in mountainous geological environment

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Ground Penetrating Radar, post-glacial sediments, Quaternary deposits


The Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) measurements presented in this paper had two main objectives. The first was to analize the possibility of using GPR method in examination of sediments in a mountainous geological environment and the second objective was to assess the special distribution of post-glacial sediments and their thickness at a selected site. The experimental measurements were carried out on in the alp of Ornak in the western part of Tatra Mountains This article provides a brief theoretical analysis of possible use of the georadar method in post-glacial sediment examination. The results of GPR surveys done in the reflection profiling mode enable the distinction of zones with different amount of till, clay, sand, gravel and rock debris in the post-glacial sediments.


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