Electromagnetic fields of dipole sources

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electric dipole, magnetic dipole, scalar potential, vector potential, near zone, far zone, impedance


Equations satisfied by vectors of electric and magnetic field were derived based on Maxwell's equations. In the case of time-dependent harmonic fields these are so called wave equations. Potential functions, i.e. vector potential and scalar potential, that also satisfy the wave equation were used. Vector and scalar potentials are related with electric and magnetic field by means of a number of equations. To determine the electromagnetic field in a non-homogeneous medium one should define the boundary conditions for vectors of electric and magnetic field and vector potential. The paper presents analytical formulae for EM field components for electric dipole and magnetic dipole in a homogeneous space and half-space. Parameters of real measurement arrays that fulfill conditions of electric dipole and magnetic dipole are given. So called near zone and far zone for EM survey are defined. EM field of infinitely long cable and ungrounded loop is characterized.


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